CMT Chinook Siding - February 2015
You don’t know how good it is to have a home club layout is until it’s gone
Dale Sproule: President, Andrew Love: Past President, Treasurer and Director,
Ron Sauer: Membership, Secretary: Al Matchett, Teagon Murray: Director and Web Master
February 7: Breakfast With The President Breakfast, 9:30 am, details below.
February 7-8, Olds, Alberta: The 2015 Olds Model Train, Hobby & Craft Show sponsored by The Mountain View Model Railroad Club in The Frank Grisdale Hall Gym at Olds College. Free Parking. Show time: Saturday: 10am-5pm and then on Sunday: 10am-4pm.n Admission $5.
February 11: CMT Business Meeting.
February 21: CMRS members are invited to our first “theme open house” on February 21, 2015. Operations that day will feature steam and early diesel freights and the inaugural run of the brand new Canadian Pacific Railway Passenger train “The CANADIAN” Come and join us for some great memories from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. We are located at 1919 19 St. S.W. Please enter at the crossbucks sign.
February 21-22: The Layout Tours are scheduled for February 21 and 22 with 7 confirmed layouts. The layout tours will be held over two days. There are a total of seven layouts open for the tour: three on Saturday in the north and west part of the city, and one in Airdrie; and two on Sunday in the southeast part of the city, plus one in Okotoks. There are several returning layouts and two new layouts to the tour, Monty Schneider, and David Bedard. Scales this year include Z, N, HO, and O.
March 7: Breakfast With The President, 9:30 am.
March 12 (THURSDAY, NOT WEDNESDAY) : CMT Business Meeting and ELECTIONS. There are 2 critical items that need your consideration at this meeting:
Business Meeting & Elections: Over the next few weeks all CMT members should consider offering their name for the upcoming club election. After almost 2 years, I personally will not be running for President again. Elections are held for President first, then for 4 Directors. The newly elected Directors then decide among themselves who will become Treasurer, and 2 Directors.
SUPERTRAIN CO-ORDINATOR: I’ve registered CMT into SUPERTRAIN again this year and we voted to take our travelling modules plus some individual club projects such as your Bouma square to SUPERTRAIN. What needs you attention is who will become the CMT coordinator that will arrange transportation of the modules and manpower requirements.
Your Bouma Square entry will be shown at this meeting along with a brief description. Remember that you automatically receive a $10 gift card to Trains and Such for bringing you Bouma Square entry to the March meeting and hopefully you will enter it into the CMRS Mini Meet show-and-tell the following weekend on March 15.
March 14, 2015, Calgary: RPM meet today. Details are below.
March 15, 2015: Calgary: CMRS Spring Mini Meet. Location: Glenmore Inn, 2720 Glenmore Trail SE (corner of Glenmore Trail & Odgen Road, SE). Today there are 2 separate events: SPRING CMRS MINI MEET AND CMT FLEA MARKET, Vendors arrive at 8pm, setup has to be done before this. The Mini Meet is scheduled for March 15 with 5 clinics confirmed but Io can’t tell you what they are just now, stay tuned.
April 18-19: SUPERTRAIN. Remember: NEW LOCATION! at the Genesis Centre,7555 Falconridge Blvd N.E.
April 18: SUPERTRAIN Saturday Night Gala. Tickets cost $35.00 each, Cocktails @ 5:00 pm, Dinner @ 6:45 pm. Groups or six or more can reserve a table. Please let Linda know when you reserve your tickets if you wish to reserve a table as well. To reserve your tickets contact Linda Laroche either by phone at 403-934-1372 or email at Tickets can be picked up at the Mini Meet on March 15th or the Volunteer Orientation in April.
April 25: The last CMT Open House will be on Saturday April 25th, 2015 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. This event will be held one week following SUPERTRAIN.
April 26: We have more fun being planned for Sunday, April 26th from 1pm-4pm. While not part of the Open House, we have challenged Garth Praestagaard to place as many of his shorty ore cars as possible on a train and run the train, a really long train, over the layout, hopefully behind his pair of Yellowstone articulated steam engines (if they are back from being customized) or perhaps 3-SD9 head end power, probably mid train end and pusher power too. Garth has the unusual knack of collecting shorty ore cars, the prototype found in Michigan and at last count he believes his collection exceeds 1200 of these cars. At home, these sit next to 4 Walters ore ships. The number of cars in operation at CMT will exceed 200 he says, who really knows how many will run on the CMT layout…300?
Following this weekend the saws, sledge hammers, screwdrivers and packing boxes will soon be out. If a sale of surplus items is feasible, watch for announcements of the event soon.
May 8-10, 2015, Saskatoon, SK. The 6th Division Spring Meet. Details are found below
August 23-30 Portland, Oregon: NMRA National Convention
June 2016, Salmon Arm: 2016 PNR Meet
BREAKFAST WITH THE PRESIDENT continues to be successful. Normally the Breakfast is held the Saturday just before the Monthly Business Meeting. Next date will be Saturday, February 7 at 0930 hrs. All members are invited to this no-host Breakfast and some members even return to CMT to do some work on the layout. Easy was to get there: travel East on 9th Avenue just about as far as you can go, and just as you emerge from going under the CP Rail line to Edmonton, turn Left into the Truck Stop. Usually 5-7 members gather at for Breakfast and friendship.
SAFTEY VESTS TO BE WORN DURING PARKING DUTIES: Paul Douglas has donated a 2nd Glo-In-The-Dark Saftey Vest to CMT so now I expect both members pulling Parking Duties to wear these for your own safety and visibility of our customers who park at CMT.
THIS IS YOUR NEWSLETTER: Remember, if you have announcements, stuff for sale or anything else, please send me the information to post. Maybe you want to report on a current project too?
WEATHERING CLINIC: Part 2 of a Weathering Clinic presented by Brian Keay will be presented sometime. I will keep you informed.
CMT SQUARES: Piggybacking on the success of the CMRS theme of “BOUMA SQUARES” (next item below), I’ve issued the same challenge to club members that we should have our own CMT club participation session using the same theme. Entry date is the March 12 Business Meeting. CMT members will then have a ready - made entry for the CMRS mini meet in March 15, 2015.
BOUMA SQUARES: CMRS is again running what I call “Bouma Squares” Challenge starting at the upcoming fall Mini-Meet and set for completion at the March 15, 2015 Minimeet. Peter has already cut some 5 inch squares, and also some 4x6 rectangles for more variety (sorry, you lose one square inch if you go with the 4x6). Make sure you pick one up at the Fall Minimeet, and start planning your module now. All participants will be eligible for the gift certificate draw. Last year a $100 Gift Certificate was drawn for from all “Bouma Squares” entries. Remember the CMT March Business Meeting (March 8) will see at least 2 big events: Your Bouma Square and CMT Elections. Remember that you automatically receive a $10 gift card just for bringing you Bouma Square entry for presentation into the CMRS Mini Meet the following weekend.
SUPERTRAIN: Members voted to not have the modules but member project and timesaver. CMT is now registered as a participant with our 20’ x 22’ modular display and I hope an extra display of members projects. Dinner tickets are available for a wonderful evening of food and entertainment.
INCREASED INTEREST IN CONSTRUCTION ON THE LAYOUT: It’s great to see so many members working on different parts of the layout. Remember, the layout is a learning tool for you to practice for your own layouts.
FLAMES HOCKEY PARKING: A credit towards dues of $10 per event parked is provided to members.
MORE ON THE FUTURE OF PAINT: These two (acrylic based) lines seem to be taking over the Model Railroad paint industry. Many of the Floquil colors have been renamed and included in other Testor's lines like Model Master, and I believe Scalecoat and Modelflex (acrylic) are still out there. But you should take the time to become familiar, and comfortable with acrylics, because that's the future... Tru Color: and Vallejo:
The recently held post-Christmas CMT Brunch saw 8 club members and assorted other friends and family enjoy the fine food in the Strathmore Station. Again, members ibn good standing received $20 credit towards their meal which cost $20.
Regrettably our CMT member Mike Gauthier has moved since our last Business meeting to the Vancouver area from Hanna to be closer to family.
A reminder of the March 15/16 weekend: a 2-day Model Railroad event weekend. Saturday will see the annual RPM meet at ST.ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 703 HERITAGE DRIVE S.W., location of the annual October Southbank Auction and knot the Glenmore Inn then on Sunday is the combined CMT Flea Market and CMRS mini-meet at the Glenmore Inn. Brookes needs CMT volunteers to appear on Sunday at the Glenmore Inn about 7am to place tables/tablecloths and chairs then get the room ready for merchants to setup. Please notify Brookes that you are available.
Here is a couple of video presentations you need to see:
A 100 year old Railroad trestle owned by The North Carolina Railroad Company in the city of Durham, North Carolina has plenty of “low clearance” signs (11 foot 8 inches) starting 3 blocks ahead of the trestle, road speed has been reduced to 25 MPH so there is plenty of time to change your route. However each month there is a least1 truck that gets its top peeled off. Pretty funny stuff!
(2) ““
Here is the 1928 construction of CPR #3101. CMT member John McBean alerted me to this film well worth a look.
Sixth Division
National Model Railroad Association - Pacific Northwest Region 50th Anniversary SPRING MEET
May 8th to 10th, 2015
Hosted by the Prairie Rail Workshop and the Saskatchewan Railroad Historical Association at The Saskatchewan Railway Museum
Layout Tours
Registration Social
For further information please contact Cal Sexsmith at
9 am – 4 pm. ADMISSION: $10, under 12: FREE
Passenger Trains and Their Facilities, Engines, Cars, and Various Buildings
Our goal: To provide a venue to exhibit how models are built that attempt to accurately reflect their real world counterparts past or present. Emphasis is placed on sharing information and modeling techniques and most importantly, in displaying one’s own models.
This is basically a “Show and Tell” meet where modelers can bring engines, rolling stock, structures, etc. to show. These items need not be in the finished state. This is a chance for interaction between builders and modelers who would like to learn from the models being shown. In other words, an exchange of ideas.
It’s all about bringing your models and your friends to see lots of superb railroad models, to share techniques and get inspired to finish your projects. There is no model judging, just an opportunity to meet fellow modelers, share tips and learn new techniques. We will provide an opportunity to meet with fellow modelers, see lots of great models, share tips and learn. For those NMRA members working towards the MMR program, sanctioned judging will be available.
Clinic 1: "Slide Resurrection" - a presentation on techniques for saving film slides to digital 10:00 format by Dr. George Barr.
Clinic 2: Van Horne style stations by Don Thomas. 11:00
Lunch Break Coffee, Soft Drinks and Chip available on site. Pizza will be brought in at $5.00 per 12:00-13:30 person for those who wish to sign up.
Clinic 3: The Burnett Cars - CPR's first steel passenger cars 1912 - 1919 by Doug Phillips.13:30
Clinic 4: "God Bless Hall" – a nostalgic review of many of the Prairie branch lines that were 14:30 saved from abandonment by the 1977 Hall Commission by Les Kozma.
Also on display will be Northern Alberta Railway stock cars built from the new Westerfield kits.